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Hypercar Fuel Ratio Calculator

Step 1: Input your NRG per lap in %
Click through the HUD on the left while driving. After a flying push lap, look at your NRG per lap and put in the value in %.

Step 2: Input your fuel consumption per lap in litres.
Battery level at the start and at the end of the lap must be the same, or at least very close. Easiest way to achieve this: Use max motor power in the first laps and drain the battery. Then you will only consume the energy you regenerate through a lap. Take the first lap after you drained the battery.

Step 3: Input the time needed to "refuel" to 100% NRG. 
Take the % you need for 1 lap, drive directly into the pits and refuel to 100% NRG. Input the time needed. Usually this takes 41 seconds.


RefuelRate in litres per second
This is the refuelRate in litres per second you want to use in the Strategy Calculator. Since the time loss at the pit stop depends on the NRG, we need to convert this value.

Tank Capacity in litres
This is the Tank Capacity  you want to use in the Strategy Calculator. Basically your Fuel Ratio times 100.

Fuel Ratio
This will be your Fuel Ratio you want to use in your setup.

Convert Fuel [L] to NRG [%]
The Strategy Calculator will give the amount of fuel in litres as starting fuel or when refueling. For Hypercars you want to use the NRG in %. So convert the fuel results from the Strategy Calculator to NRG.

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